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8 everyday questions parents should ask their child | Raghukulholidays

8 everyday questions parents should ask their child

Here are 8 thoughtful questions parents can ask their children every day to build strong connections and stay informed about their lives:

  • What was the best part of your day? (Focuses on positive experiences and opens the door for conversation)

  • Is there anything that made you feel sad or upset today? (Identifies and addresses any potential concerns)

  • What did you learn new today? (Encourages sharing knowledge and fosters curiosity)

  • Did you help anyone today, and how did it make you feel? (Promotes empathy and a sense of community)

  • What are you looking forward to tomorrow? (Highlights their interests and plans)

  • Is there anything you're worried about? (Creates a safe space for them to express anxieties)

  • Do you have any goals for tomorrow? (Encourages goal setting and a sense of agency)

  • What made you laugh today? (Lighthearted and keeps the conversation positive)

Bonus Questions:

  • Depending on your child's age, you can delve deeper with more specific questions related to their interests, friendships, or school activities.

  • Open-ended questions are more effective than yes/no questions to spark conversation and get them talking.

  • Actively listen to their responses without judgment, creating a safe space for open communication.


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