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10 Ways to Improve Your Squat | Raghukulholidays


10 Ways to Improve Your Squat

Master Proper Form:

  • Feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly out.
  • Engage your core, keep your back straight.
  • Lower your body as if sitting back into a chair.
  • Knees track in line with your toes.
  • Depth should be parallel to the ground or lower.

Prioritize Mobility:

  • Ankle mobility: Calf stretches, foam rolling.
  • Hip mobility: Hip flexor stretches, pigeon pose.
  • Thoracic spine mobility: Rotational exercises, foam rolling.

Build Core Strength:

  • Planks, leg raises, Russian twists.
  • A strong core stabilizes your body during squats.

Increase Lower Body Strength:

  • Lunges, step-ups, good mornings.
  • Focus on building strength in all planes of motion.

Vary Your Squats:

  • Front squats, goblet squats, box squats.
  • Different variations challenge your muscles in different ways.

Use Proper Weight:

  • Start with a weight you can control with good form.
  • Gradually increase weight as your strength improves.

Focus on Depth:

  • Aim for parallel or below parallel depth.
  • Use a box or chair to practice correct depth.

Pay Attention to Bar Placement:

  • High bar or low bar position can affect your squat.
  • Experiment to find what works best for you.

Incorporate Accessory Exercises:

  • Hamstring curls, glute bridges, calf raises.
  • Balance out your leg strength.

Consistency is Key:
  • Regular practice is essential for improvement.
  • Include squats in your workout routine consistently.

Remember, progress takes time. Be patient, listen to your body, and gradually challenge yourself. If you experience any pain, consult a healthcare professional.

Would you like to see a video demonstration of proper squat form or specific exercises for improving mobility or strength?

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